(the English part is below, just skip the German part)
Herzlich Willkommen!
Schön das ihr es mal wieder in meine Ecke des Rums geschafft habt. Nach Fiji ist es mal wieder Zeit für einen Hampden. Es ist ein weiterer Rum aus dem Jahrgang 1992 und er kommt aus Italien. Es ist der Silver Seal Jamaica Rum Hampden Distillery 1992 23YO!
Zur Abfüllung:

Verkostung Silver Seal Jamaica Rum Hampden Distillery 1992 23YO:
Preis: Die letzten Preise für diese Abfüllung, die ich online gesehen habe, reichten von 366€ 309€ (Frankreich) bis 400€ (Dänemark) für die 0,7l Flasche. Der Preis zu Release war anscheinend um die 250€.
Alter: Das offizielle Alter beläuft sich auf 23 Jahre im Fass.
Alkoholstärke: 50%vol.
Destillationsverfahren: Offensichtlich war es eine Pot Still mit nachgeschalteten Retorten.
Farbe: Gold.
Viskosität: Der Rum bildet einen öligen Film auf der Glaswand und fließt in vielen langgezogenen Streifen zurück zum Glasboden.

Gaumen: Der Ersteindruck ist sehr sanft. Das Brennen ist vergleichsweise schwach. Ester, Kunststoff, Ananas, Papayas und saure Pepperoni. Eiche, Leder und Toffee. Anis und Kräuter kommen zum Vorschein. Holzkohle. Schwach Medizin. Kirschen? Gräser? Zuerst schmeckt der Rum zu Beginn leicht sauer. Dann wird der Geschmack immer pflanzlicher und herber. Gewürze? Leider flacht der Rum durch die Verdünnung im Mund schnell ab. Beim zweiten Schluck Medizin, Rauch und ein stärkeres Brennen des Alkohols. Ananas, Kirschen, Eiche, Anis und Kräuter bilden dann die dominantesten Eindrücke.Dann kommen grasige Aromen und Zuckerrohr zum Vorschein. Gewürze und Nelken. Ananas und Kräuter am Ende. Beim dritten und letzten Schluck wieder Medizin, Rauch und ein milchiger Geschmack. Kräuter, Gras und Zuckerrohr. Ananas und Papayas. Wieder wandelt sich das Geschmacksprofil hin zum Pflanzlichen. Holzkohle und Eiche. Spuren von Zimt. Der Gaumen ist deutlich milder als der des Cadenhead Dated Distillation Hampden HLCF 1992 14YO.
Abgang: Ananas, Holzkohle und Ester. Dann Rauch und Medizin. Kräuter am Ende. Nach dem zweiten Schluck Wieder Medizin, Ananas und Ester. Das Profil flacht langsam ab. Anis, Kräuter und Ananas am Ende. Nach dem dritten und letzten Schluck Ananas, Kräuter und saure Ester. Anis und Gewürze. Sehr pflanzlich am Gaumen und trocken am Ende.

Nachtrag: Ich habe die Preise geupdated. An meiner Meinung ändert sich aber nichts.
Nice of you to drop by into my little corner of rum. After some rum from Fiji it is time again for a Hampden. This is another rum from the vintage 1992 and it is bottled by an Italian bottler. It's the Silver Seal Jamaica Rum Distillery Hampden 1992 23YO!
The Bottling:
When it comes to this vintage we only had one rum in high-proof cask strength so far on this blog. It was the Cadenhead Dated Distillation Hampden HLCF 1992 14YO. Not a bad rum, but unfortunately not the crème de la crème of this unique Jamaican distillery. Yes, I know: whining on a high level. However, I have been spoiled by too many bottlings in this regard. Other rums, mainly those produced by continuous stills or blends containing them to a large or big extent, are far below this level. But of course this is just my humble opinion. Said rum of Silver Seal was bottled last year and consisted of only a single barrel, which had the number 17, and did produce 248 bottles with a diluted drinking strength of 50%abv. Considering the recent price developments, this dilution may have its reason to reduce the bottle price. The prices for Barrels of old rum, especially from Jamaica and Guyana are apparently skyrocketed in the last 3 years. So far "less popular" rums, like from St. Lucia, Fiji and Barbados, are still excluded from this trend. I am truly not delighted at all about this development, but there is nothing we costumers can do about it for now. The best course of action is trying to see some positive side-effects. Rum gets out of the cheap-booze-corner which is, at least in Germany, often associated with the likes of Bacardi or some other industrialized spirits under the name of rum. But rum has much more to offer. At least I try to see some positive things in this crazy development in the recent years. Plus the availability of rums in general is much better now than it was in the past. Granted, the prices were low, but the there were not much bottlings released per annum in that period. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and I still believe there will be bottlings that have a good price-performance level in the future. Does this rum fall under them? We will see. I have written enough about this distillery in the past. So let us not delay the tasting any further.

Tasting Silver Seal Jamaica Rum Hampden Distillery 1992 23YO:
Price: The latest prices for this bottling, at least the one that I have seen online, ranged from366€ 309€ (France) to 400€ (Denmark) for the 0,7l bottle.The price at release was apparently around 250€.
Age: The official age is 23 years.
ABV: 50%abv.
Process of distillation: Obviously it was a pot still with two retorts.
Colour: Gold.
Viscosity: The rum forms an oily film on the wall and flows down in many long stripes back to the glass bottom.
Price: The latest prices for this bottling, at least the one that I have seen online, ranged from
Age: The official age is 23 years.
ABV: 50%abv.
Process of distillation: Obviously it was a pot still with two retorts.
Colour: Gold.
Viscosity: The rum forms an oily film on the wall and flows down in many long stripes back to the glass bottom.

Palate: The rum is very gentle on the first impression. The burning is comparatively weak. Esters, plastics, pineapples, papayas and sour peppers. Oak, leather and toffee. Anise and herbs. Charcoal. Weak medicine. Cherries? Grass? First of rum tastes at the beginning slightly acidic. Then the taste changes to a more herbal profile. Spices? Unfortunately, the rum quickly becomes flat by the dilution in the mouth. During the second sip medicine, smoke and a stronger burning of the alcohol. Pineapple, cherry, oak, anise and herbs then form the most dominant impressions. Then come grassy flavours and sugar cane. Spices and cloves. Pineapple and herbs at the end. During the third and last sip again medicine, smoke and a milky flavour. Herbs, grass and sugar cane. Pineapples and papayas. Again the flavour profile is changing towards a herbal profile. Charcoal and oak. Traces of cinnamon. The palate is much milder than that of Cadenhead Dated Distillation Hampden HLCF 1992 14YO.
Finish: Pineapple, charcoal and esters. Then smoke and medicine. Herbs at the end. After the second sip again medicine, pineapple and esters. The profile slowly flattens. Anise, herbs and pineapple at the end. After the third and last sip pineapple, herbs and acidic esters. Anise and spices. Very herbal on the palate and dry at the end.
Conclusion: A solid Hampden, which has been diluted down with water just a little bit too much. This is particularly noticeable after a long time in the mouth. I already did mention that I have been spoiled by too much Hampdens in the past. A good deal of them were very good. Some also were Top Class. These experiences are forcing me to give this rum the score you can see right at the bottom of the review. It is a good rum, no doubt about that. But it is not the cream of the crop. I want to emphasize it again: This is my personal opinion. While the Cadenhead Dated Distillation Hampden HLCF 1992 14YO lacked maturity and class, the aroma strength of the individual nuances are considerably weaker in the Silver Seal Jamaica Rum Distillery Hampden in 1992 23YO, but it does have more maturity to offer. It is therefore only slightly better than the Cadenhead even though between the two rums is a distance of 9 years. Perhaps a dilution down to 55%abv would have been better and the rum quality would have not suffered that much. But this decision is up to the bottler. And the rum is apparently not soo “bad” (remember when I said whining on a high level?) as my score would indicate it. Some reviewers are love it. Unfortunately I am not one of them. Imho the younger rums from TRC with the vintage 1998 and the same mark were better. Maybe because of the fact they did not get no additional water. I am not saying this because I get paid to do so or I do love TRC more than Silver Seal. I have nothing against Silver Seal nor do I dislike their rums. This score is based upon cross-tastings with rums of the same distillery and the same style (mark). One might also argue that more water means more flavours because you reduce the density of the rum, but in return you loose tremendously in body and strength of those flavours and aromas, which unfortunately is a great deal and significantly more noticeable with rums made by Hampden. Rums made by Mount Gay on Barbados or Worthy Park in Jamaica do not suffer from this phenomenon. These rums have very little ester, but have more body to offer. But Hampden is Hampden. So far only the rums made in 1990 have withstood a large dilution with water. The style HLCF has only half the esters and so unfortunately does not bear well so much water. This Achilles heel of Hampden is clearly noticeable on the palate after about one minute when you do drink this rum. So do you need this rum? This is, once again, something you have to decide for yourself. This review reflects only my personal opinion, which is based on cross-tastings and comparisons with other rums. Before I end the review I would like to mention two new blogs. It is "RumBoom“, which appears only in the German language, and “Single Cask Rum“, which reviews rums in English. I wish success and above all a good endurance to both authors. I wish you guys a nice Sunday!
Addendum: I have updated the prices. My opinion, however, is unchanged.