Cadenhead's GER

Unabhängige Abfüller - Cadenhead's

Die Anfänge von Cadenhead gehen auf die Gründung der Firma durch einen gewissen George Duncan zurück. Damals hieß das Unternehmen auch noch nicht Cadenhead. Mr. Duncon schaffte es innerhalb von 10 Jahren das Unternehmen erfolgreich auszubauen. In dieser Zeit, so um 1853, stieg sein Stiefbruder William Cadenhead mit ins Geschäft ein. Im Jahre 1858 verstarb George Duncan nach kurzer Krankheit und William Cadenhead übernahm das Geschäft und benannte es nach seinen Namen um. [1]

William Cadenhead selbst verstarb am 11. Dezember des Jahres 1904. Die Firma und somit auch die Handelsgeschäfte wurde nun von seinem Neffen Robert W. Duthie weitergeführt. Dieser Neffe legte den Grundstein für den heutigen Ruf der Firma Cadenhead bezüglich Single Malt Scotch Whisky und Demerara Rum. D.h. dass Mr. W. Duthie noch seiner Zeit mit den alten Destillerien in British Guiana Handel tätigte, darunter auch die „The BIG 9“. [2]

Während der großen Depression im Jahre 1931 befand sich das Unternehmen in keiner guten finanziellen Verfassung. In dieser kritischen Phase verstarb Mr. W. Duthie, als er von einem Straßenbahnwagen bei einer Straßenüberquerung überfahren wurde. Nach seinem Tod wurde die Verantwortung der Firma auf eine langjährigen Angestellte übertragen. Sie hieß Miss Ann Oliver und stand in dem Ruf äußerst exzentrisch gewesen zu sein. Sie führte die Firma, wie sie es wohl für richtig hielt. Zumindest steht dies so auf der offiziellen Homepage von Cadenhead. Allem Anschein nach waren nicht alle Entscheidungen von Miss Ann Oliver von Erfolg gekrönt, denn schließlich war sie später zum Verkauf der Firma aufgrund von finanziellen Schwierigkeiten gezwungen. [3]

Die Lagerhäuser der Firma waren bis zum Anschlag gefüllt. Darunter waren befanden sich auch viele Fässer voller Demerara-Rum. Aber es gab anscheinend Niemanden, welcher die Bestände angemessen bei einem Verkauf bewerten würde. So kontaktierte man schließlich Christies in London, welche in der Vergangenheit ansehnliche Bestände an Rum erfolgreich verkauft haben. In nur zwei Tagen, den 3. und 4. Oktober 1972, wurde das 6-fache an Überschuss gegenüber den Verbindlichkeiten der Firma erzielt. [4] Die Firma WMCadenhead wurde danach an J & A Mitchell & Co Limited, dem Eigentümer der Springbank Distillery in Schottland, verkauft. [5]

Die Whiskyabfüllungen bilden nach diesem Verkauf bis heute spürbar die Mehrheit aller Bottlings. Die Anzahl der Rum-Abfüllungen ließ immer mehr nach. Es gibt Gerüchte, nach denen der Eigentümer seine Aufmerksamkeit voll auf Whiskies fokussieren möchte. Gelegentlich erscheinen auch noch neue Abfüllungen in der Green Label und der Dated Distillation Serie. Wie stabil sich dieser kleine Markt in den nächsten Jahren noch gestalten wird, bleibt allerdings abzuwarten. Wenn es aber um den Ruf „Die größten Bestände an Demerara Rums zu besitzen“ geht, kann WMC wohl nicht mehr an die glorreichen Zeiten zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts anknüpfen. Dafür gibt es schlicht zu wenige Veröffentlichungen an Demerara Rums pro Jahr, um diese Behauptung noch glaubwürdig erscheinen zu lassen. Außer man verwaltet nur noch die Mehrheit der Rum-Fässer und verkauft diese zum Großteil an andere Interessenten. Wenn dies der Fall wäre: Warum dann allerdings noch überhaupt Rum-Abfüllungen auf den Markt bringen, wenn man den Großteil an Konkurrenten verkauft? Ganz egal was nun der Fall sein mag und wo die Gründe hierfür liegen mögen: Wohin die Reise in Sachen Rum mit dem Label Cadenhead gehen wird, weiß wohl nur der Eigentümer selbst verlässlich. Nur die Zeit wird zeigen, ob er sich vollständig von seinem Rum-Geschäft trennen wird oder nicht.

An die alten Zeiten wird er in meinen Augen allerdings nicht mehr anknüpfen. Zumindest nicht in sehr kurzer oder absehbarer Zeit. Vielleicht wenn sich einmal ein stabiler Markt für Rum - Einzelfassabfüllungen entwickelt hat, der nicht nur aus einen überschaubaren Kreis an Hardcore - Connaisseuren besteht, sondern auch aus Whisky-Liebhabern, welche Dank den horrenden Preisen nach Malternativen suchen, dann sehe ich hier auch ein mögliches Entwicklungspotenzial. Ich betone aber noch einmal das Wort „mögliches“. Eine Garantie für eine solche Entwicklung gibt es nicht.


[1] „It was what subsequently became number 47 that Mr George Duncan established himself as a vintner and distillery agent. The business prospered and in little over 10 years he was joined by his brother-in-law Mr William Cadenhead. In 1858 Mr Duncan died following a short illness. William Cadenhead acquired the business and changed the trading name to that of his own. Whilst not much is known of George Duncan, a great deal is on record about his brother-in-law. It must be said that this is not because of his distinction as a vintner but because he was a local poet of renown throughout the Victorian era. Born in 1819, he began working at an early age in a small thread factory where he gained a great deal of respect from his employer. From there he became an overseer in the yarn sorting department of Maberly & Co at their Broadford works, now Richards PLC. About 1853 he left the company and joined his brother-in-law as traveller for Cadenhead's until Duncan's death in 1858 where he acquired the business. Apart from his enviable reputation as a poet, he became a prominent citizen taking part in all aspects of local affairs during his long life.“ - The Early Days - 

[2] „Early on Sunday morning, 11 December 1904 William Cadenhead died. He was succeeded in the business of Wine and Spirit Merchants at 47 Netherkirkgate by his nephew Robert W. Duthie. He was a quiet unassuming man, unlike his uncle, but developed what the firm became most famous for, namely single malt Scotch whisky and Demerara Rum. He advertised extensively on the back of buses, theatre curtains, concert programmes and in much else under the slogan 'By test the Best'. In addition Mr Duthie developed Cadenhead's brand whiskies, the de-luxe blend Putachieside and the more plebeian name The Heilanman.“ - Acquiring a Worldwide Reputation - 

[3] „In 1931 in the depth of the depression, the business of William Cadenhead was not in good shape financially. Mr Duthie was on his way to a meeting with his bank manager when he was unfortunately run over by a tram car whilst crossing the street. Duthie was a batchelor but left two sisters who knew nothing about the Wine and Spirit trade but were determined that the name of William Cadenhead should survive. Responsibility was handed over to a long term employee, Miss Ann Oliver, an eccentric lady who ran the business exactly as she wanted, refusing to move with the times. However, administration was lax and several bad decisions were made during this time forcing Ms Oliver to retire and sell the business.“ - Difficult Times - 

[4] „Both the bonded and duty paid warehouses were full from the roof to the cellars of stock, the value of which no-one knew nor for which there were any records. In the end Christie's who had liquidated considerable stocks of rum were contacted. The result was a two-day sale of the entire stock and was at that date the largest sale of wines and spirits ever held in Great Britain. The sale took place in London on 3rd and 4th of October 1972 and although there were many bargains, on the whole it was most successful and contrary to expectations it resulted in a six figure surplus over liabilities for the firm.“ - Turning Point - 

[5] „Thereafter the goodwill, premises etc. of the firm William Cadenhead were sold to J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd., proprietors of Springbank Distillery, one of Scotland's oldest distilleries still owned by descendants of its founder. The name of Cadenhead is now a household name in the whisky world, and the present owners have expanded the Cadenhead business whilst still keeping the goals and traditional methods the firm began with in 1842.“ - Present Day - 


Hier folgt nun eine kleine, aber bei weitem nicht vollständige, Bestandsliste aller mir bekannten Rum-Abfüllungen von WMCadenhead:

Die Dated Distillation Serie


- Dated Distillation Blackrock Distillery BBR 11 YO (2000 bis 2012) - 59,1% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Blackrock Distillery WIRR 12 YO (1986 - 1998), 74,1% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Blackrock Distillery WIRR 12 YO (1986 - 1999), ??,?% vol. (Pot Still) 
- Dated Distillation Blackrock Distillery BRS (Rockley) 14 YO (1986 - 2000) - 69,2% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Blackrock Distillery BRS (Rockley) 16 YO (1986 - 2003), 67,7% vol. (Pot Still)

- Dated Distillation Belize Travellers Distillery SFBT 9 YO (2005 - 2015), 64,6% (Pot Still) 
- Dated Distillation Belize Travellers Distillery SFBT 11 YO (2005 - 2016), 63,4% (Pot Still)

- Dated Distillation Epris Distillery BMC 14 YO (1999 - 2013) - 45,3% vol. (Column Still) 
- Dated Distillation Epris Distillery BMC 15 YO (1999 - 2014) - 45,4% vol. (Column Still)

- Dated Distillation Sancti Spiritus Distillery ADC 14 YO (1998 - 2013) - 59,2% vol. (Column Still) 
- Dated Distillation Sancti Spiritus Distillery CMA 17 YO (1999 – 2016,December), 62,2% (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Sancti Spiritus Distillery CMA 17 YO (1999 – 2016, April), 62,6% (Column Still)

- Dated Distillation Fiji South Pacific Distillery FSPD 13 YO (2003 - 2016), 59,6% (Pot Still)

- Dated Distillation Bellevue Distillery GMBV 16 YO (1998 – 2014), 57,1%vol (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Bellevue Distillery GMBV 17 YO (1998 – 2015), 54,3%vol (Column Still) 

- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery AWM 16 YO (1988 - 2005), 64,9% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery AWM 18 YO (1988 - 2007), 63,3% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery KFM 12 YO (1991 - 2002), 66% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery KFM 16 YO (1991 - 2008), 63,9% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery REV 11 YO (1994 - 2006), 70,0% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery VSG 10 YO (1990 - 2001), 75,7% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery VSG 11 YO (1990 - 2002), 74,2% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery VSG 13 YO (1990 - 2004), 71,6% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery VSG 15 YO (1990 - 2006), 72,5% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Enmore Distillery XPD 32 YO (1971 - 2003), 61,8% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Uitvlugt Distillery MPM 12 YO (1998 - 2010), 62,0% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Uitvlugt Distillery PM 14 YO (1991 - 2006), 70,7% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Uitvlugt Distillery GM 30 YO (1974 - 2005), 60,3% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Uitvlugt Distillery PM 36 YO (1964 - 2001), 69,3% vol. (Pot Still) 
- Dated Distillation Uitvlugt Distillery MUI 16 YO (1998 - 2014), 60,2% (Column Still) 

- Dated Distillation Hampden Estate JMLR 8 YO (2000 - 2008), 63,2% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Hampden Estate JMLR 12 YO (2000 - 2012), 62,1% vol. (Pot Still)
- Dated Distillation Hampden Estate JMLR 12 YO (2002 - 2014), 61,6% vol. (Pot Still) 
- Dated Distillation Hampden Estate HLCF 13 YO (1992 - 2006), 66,2% vol. (Pot Still) 
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate CRV 13 YO (1987 - 2001), 70,4% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate CRV 20 YO (1974 - 1995), 73,0% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate IRW 10 YO (1986 - 1997), 75% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate IRW 10 YO (1986 - 1997), 71.9% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate IRW 13 YO (1986 - 1999), 70,1% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate IRW 18 YO (1986 - 2004), 68,3% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Long Pond Estate IRW 18 YO (1986 - 2005), 67,5% vol. (Column Still) 
- Dated Distillation Worthy Park Distillery JMWP 11 YO (2005 - 2016), 57,9%vol (Pot Still)

- Dated Distillation Volcano Distillery NMC 11 YO (2002 - 2013), 62% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Volcano Distillery NMC 17 YO (1999 - 2016), 57,6% vol. (Column Still)

St. Lucia:
- Dated Distillation St. Lucia Distillers SLJD 9 YO (1999 - 2008), 70,8% vol. (Pot Still)

- Dated Distillation Caroni Distillery (Providence) 10 YO (1991 - 2002), 67,9% vol. (Patent Still)
- Dated Distillation Caroni Distillery (Providence) 12 YO (1991 - 2003), 66,3% vol. (Patent Still)
- Dated Distillation Caroni Distillery (Providence) 14 YO (1991 - 2006), 66,1% vol. (Patent Still)
- Dated Distillation Trinidad Distillers (Angostura) TMAH 19 YO (1991 - 2011), 68,3% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Trinidad Distillers (Angostura) TMAH 21 YO (1991 - 2013), 66,9% vol. (Column Still)
- Dated Distillation Trinidad Distillers (Angostura) TMAH 24 YO (1991 - 2016), 62,6%vol (Column Still)

Die Green Label Serie


- Green Label Barbados 10 YO (Mount Gay) (2000 - 2011), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 12 YO (Rockley) (1986 - 1998 / 1999), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 12 YO (2000 - 2012), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 13 YO (Rockley) (1986 - 1999 / 2000), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 15 YO (Rockley) (1986 - 2001 / 2002), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 18 YO (Rockley) (1986 - 2004 / 2005), 46%
- Green Label Barbados 11 YO (2003 - 2014), 46%


- Green Label Brazil 12 YO (1999 - 2011), 46%
- Green Label Brazil 13 YO (1999 - 2012), 46%


- Green Label Cuba 5 YO (1998 - 2003), 46%
- Green Label Cuba 11 YO (1998 - 2009), 46%
- Green Label Cuba 13 YO (1998-2011), 46%


- Green Label Demerara MDU 10 YO (2002/2003 - 2013), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 10 YO (Coloured), 46%
- Green Label Demerara PM 12 YO (1998/1999 - 2010), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 13 YO, 46%
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO, 46%
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO (Uitvlugt) (1998 - 2013), 46% 
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO (Enmore) (1977 - 1992), 46% 
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO (Enmore) (1980 - 1995), 46% 
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO (Coloured ; Produce of British Guiana), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 25 YO (coloured), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 10 YO (Matured in Laphroaig Cask) (1992 - 2002), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 15 YO (Matured in Laphroaig Cask) (1992 - 2007), 46%
- Green Label Demerara 30 YO (1975 - 2005), 40,5% vol.
- Green Label Demerara 32 YO (1975 - 2007), 40,3% vol.
- Green Label Demerara 33 YO (1975 - 2008), 40,6% vol.
- Green Label Demerara 36 YO (1975 - 2012), 38,5% vol.
- Green Label Demerara Montego Bay, 55% vol.
- Green Label Guyana 9 YO, 46%
- Green Label Guyana 10 YO, mit Holzgestell, 46%
- Green Label Guyana 10 YO (1998 - 2008) , 46%
- Green Label Guyana 12 YO (1998 - 2010), 46%
- Green Label Guyana 13 YO (1998 - 2011), 46%
- Green Label Guyana 15 YO (1998 - 2013), 46%
- Green Label Guyana 25 YO (Coloured), 46%

- Green Label Haiti 5 YO (Barbancourt) (2004 - 2009), 46%
- Green Label Haiti 7 YO (Barbancourt) (2004 - 2011), 46%
- Green Label Haiti 9 YO (Barbancourt) (2004 - 2013), 46%


- Green Label Jamaica 10 YO (Long Pond) (1987 - 1997 / 1998), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 10 YO (Hampden) (1992 - 2002), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 10 YO (Hampden) (2000 - 2010), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 12 YO (Long Pond) (1987 - 1999 / 2000), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 12 YO (Hampden) (1992 - 2004 / 2005), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 13 YO (Long Pond) (1987 - 2000 / 2001), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 13 YO, 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 14 YO (Hampden) (1992 - 2006/2007), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 15 YO (Long Pond) (1986 - 2002), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica 15 YO (Long Pond) (1987 - 2002/2003), 46%
- Green Label Jamaica Aged 30 Years (1974 - 2013), 51,8% vol.
- Green Label Jamaica Montego Bay (White rum)


- Green Label Nicaragua 8 YO (2002 - 2010), 46%
- Green Label Nicaragua 9 YO (2002 - 2011), 46%
- Green Label Nicaragua 9 YO (2003 - 2012), 46%
- Green Label Nicaragua 10 YO (2002 - 2012), 46%
- Green Label Nicaragua 12 YO (2002 - 2014), 46%

- Green Label Panama 8 YO (Don Jose) (1997 - 2005), 46%
- Green Label Panama 12 YO (Don Jose) (1997 - 2009), 46%
- Green Label Panama 15 YO (Don Jose) (1997 - 2012), 46%

St. Lucia:

- Green Label St. Lucia 11 YO (St. Lucia Distillers) (1999 - 2010/11), 46%


- Green Label Trinidad 10 YO (1991 - 2001), 46%
- Green Label Trinidad 11 YO (1991 - 2002), 46%
- Green Label Trinidad 12 YO (1991 - 2003), 46%
- Green Label Trinidad 15 YO (1991 - 2006), 46%

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