English part is just below, just skip the German part)
Servus und Willkommen liebe Leser!
Heute kommt der zweite Rum aus Albion auf Barrel Aged Thoughts. Er stammt aus dem Jahre 1983. Den Velier Albion 1986 Full Proof Old Demerara 25YO habe ich bereits auf dem Blog vorgestellt. Aber dieser Rum von 1983 unterscheidet sich drastisch von der Abfüllung aus 1986. Beide repräsentieren unterschiedliche Stile und schmecken sehr unterschiedlich.
Zur Abfüllung:
Abfüllung bestand, ähnlich dem Rum aus 1986 und dem aus 1989 (über den
ich leider nur sehr wenig weiß), nur aus einem einzigen Fass. Gerade
einmal 313 Flaschen konnte das Fass nach 25 Jahren noch füllen. Die
Engel hatten ihn anscheinend besonders lieb gewonnen. ;)
Verkostung Velier Albion 1983 Full Proof Old Demerara 25 YO:
Gaumen: Der Rum startet mit leichter Vanille, braunem Rohrzucker und schwachen Anis- und Holzaromen. Dann folgt der Alkohol und brennt sehr sanft auf der Zunge. Ich schmecke süßen Tabak, Leder und eine ganz leichte Rauchigkeit. Die Süße ist vorhanden, aber weder zu schwach noch zu dominant. Nun schmecke ich auch exotische Früchte. Leider kann ich hier keine Einzelheiten erkennen. Der Rum hat einen leicht salzigen Geschmack, welcher von der Süße gut ausbalanciert wird. Als dritte Geschmackskomponente kommt hier die Bitterkeit vom Fass hinzu. Alle drei Geschmacksnuancen sind fast gut ausbalanciert und keine dominiert die anderen beiden. Ganz minimal erkenne ich nun auch Nelken und ganz schwach Jod. Der Rum füllt den gesamten Mundraum bis zum letzten Winkel und besitzt trotz dieser geringen Trinkstärke eine sehr hohe Komplexität.
Abgang: Zuerst wieder feine Vanille, dann folgen Anis- und Holzaromen. Diese verbleiben eine Weile am Gaumen. Dann folgt brauner Roh-Rohrzucker und Melassearomen. Die Süße zu beginn verschwindet rasch. Es ist keine stechende Bitterkeit im Abgang vorhanden. Aber sie ist doch da ohne groß aufzufallen. Nach einigen Sekunden schmecke ich schwache Kaffeearomen, umhüllt von einer leichten Karamellnote. Diese erinnert mich an eine gute Tasse Arabica-Kaffee, welche mit braunem Roh-Rohrzucker gesüßt wurde, allerdings fehlt hier die Süße total. Der Abgang ist mittellang.
Bezüglich eines Sammlerwerts will ich nicht die Glaskugel auspacken und keine Vermutung anstellen. Aber wenn es nur rein um den Inhalt geht, dann wäre bei mir persönlich die absolute Obergrenze bei 200€. Ich weiß, dass Rums aus Skeldon für nur noch über 600 - 700€ den Besitzer wechseln. Aber das ist für mich einfach nur noch krank und hat meiner Meinung nach nichts mehr mit Leidenschaft für Rum zu tun. Hier geht es nur noch ums Gelddrucken. Und gerade diese Art von Denkmuster macht für viele Whisky-Genießer das Hobby fast unbezahlbar. Wollen wir beim Rum dieselben Verhältnisse haben? Ich sage hierzu nur: nein , Danke!
Dies ändert aber absolut nichts daran, dass ich diese Flasche in allen Ehren genießen werde. Es ist ein großartiger Rum, der genossen werden will, und nicht in der Vitrine verstauben sollte. Wer nun keine Flasche mehr ergattern konnte, für den gibt es zur Zeit noch eine sehr gute Alternative zu dieser Abfüllung. Diese ist etwas frischer und etwas kräftiger und könnte aus diesem Grund dem einen oder anderen sogar noch mehr zusagen. Von welcher Abfüllung spreche ich hier? Das werden Sie, liebe Leser, nächstes Wochenende erfahren. Bleiben sie einfach am Ball und haben sie noch einen schönen Sonntag!
Hello and Welcome dear
Today is the second rum
from Albion on Barrel-aged-Thoughts. He is coming from the year
1983. I have already presented the Velier Albion 1986 Full Proof Old
Demerara 25 YO on the blog. But this rum from 1983 is drastically
different from the bottling of 1986. Both represent different styles
and are tasting very different.
respect to a collector I do not want to unpack the crystal ball and
don't want to guess about the value. But when it comes purely to the
content, then personally the absolute limit would be at 200 € for
me. I know that rum from Skeldon is selling for “just” over 600 -
€ 700. But that's nothing for me and this whole development is ill
driven be the need for money. This is all about money printing. And
it is precisely this kind of thinking pattern which makes whisky too
expensive for many connoisseurs. Do we want the same conditions in
rum? I just say this: No, thank you!
this does absolutely nothing to the quality of this bottling and its
price. It is a great Rum, which wants to be enjoyed, and should
therefore not collect dust on a shelve somewhere. However, anyone who
did not have the chance of getting this bottle has still an available
alternative. This alternative is
fresher and little stronger than this one. From what I am talking
about filling? You will see it next weekend. Just keep in touch with
this blog.Have a nice Sunday!
Velier Albion 1983 Full Proof Old Demerara 25 YO:
paid for my bottle around €120 with shipping charges. The source
was a connoisseur who gave me this bottle to a very fair price. Thank
you again!
rum was distilled in 1983 and bottled in January 2008. The official
age is around 25 years.
drinking strength is only 46.4%abv. I think this is the remaining
cask strength. Here, therefore, significantly more alcohol evaporated
as water. Further dilution therefore is not an requirement at this
point. ;)
of distillation:
specified method is a Wooden Continuous Still. So a wooden column
still. The only Still I do know of in 1983 was the one in Enmore.
That's why I suspect the Enmore distillery as origin.
Rum shines in deep amber. Not surprising after 25 years in the
tropics and considering the low drinking-strength.
thick film is spread over the glass. While the rum slowly moved back
to the ground, thick smears are forming and isolated fat drops are
sticking on the glass. The rum has a high oiliness.
rum start with hints of vanilla, brown raw cane sugar (unrefined
sugar cane) and weak anise and wood flavours. Then the alcohol
follows and burns very gentle on the tongue. I taste sweet tobacco,
leather and a very slight smokiness. The sweetness is present, but
neither too weak nor too dominant. Now I taste exotic fruits.
Unfortunately I can not smell any more details here. The rum has a
slightly salty taste, which is well balanced by the sweetness. The
third component of taste here is the bitterness from the barrel. All
three flavors are well balanced and almost none dominates the other
two. Very
minimal I recognize now cloves and quite weak iodine. The Rum fills
the whole mouth up to the last corner and has despite this low
drinking strength, a very high complexity.
the beginning there is fine
vanilla, quickly followed by anise and oak aromas. These remain for a
while on the palate. Then brown raw cane sugar and nuances of
molasses are following. The Sweetness at the beginning disappears
very quickly. There is no dominating bitterness in the finish. But
the bitterness is still present. You can definitely taste it. After a
few seconds I taste weak coffee flavours, wrapped up in light
caramel. This reminds me of a good cup of coffee (Coffea
beans), which was sweetened with brown raw cane sugar, but still
total missing the sweetness. The finish has a medium length.
really good rum. One of the greatest. Yet
for all size, it has a small flaw.
The bitterness after 25 years in the tropics has left its mark in the
flavour profile. Just this drinking strength of 46.4%, which was
significantly appealing to me at the beginning (I say only:
woodworm), is exactly what makes this bottling although wonderfully
easy to drink. But this low-drinking strength was a subtle reference
to the bitterness.
this rum has a very high quality and the bitterness is not overly
present. Or to put it in other words: it is not dominant and does not
stand out not too extreme in the flavour-profile.
of it like a violin player in a huge concert, which plays to a
beautiful symphony. This bottling after 25 (!) years in the tropics
does prove to me that this kind of maturation can do something
special to rum, if you do not overdo it with this kind of maturation.
Theoretically, this bottling has converted the maturity of a rum with
an age of 37 - 50 continental years.
name but one rum with this kind of age-statement which was available
for a price of around 120€ and was not too much dominated by the
wood. When it comes to whiskey, you'd start to drool and being amazed
by such prizes and this quality. At this point I would like to thank
Luca Gargano for the opportunity to taste this rum. Without him, we
would never have the opportunity to taste the original style of
Albion (A.N.). Thank you again! I would also like to thank Cyril of
durhum.com. He coined the sample, which you can see in the photos.
Thank you Cyril! Also this bottling shows me that even rums made with
Column / Coffey stills can have a high quality. Of course, the
special maturation has contributed a lot to this flavour and made his
positive contribution to this bottling.
collector's value, I do not want to unpack the crystal ball and do
make a guess. But if it is just purely for the content and not for
the myth around the lost distillery of Albion, then personally my
maximum would be around 200€ per bottle. I know that rum from the
old Skeldon style only sells for about 600 - € 700. But for me that
is just sick and has in my opinion nothing more to do with passion
for rum. Here it's all about money printing. And it is precisely this
kind of thinking pattern which makes the hobby for a lot of whiskey
connoisseurs almost priceless or very expensive. Do
we want the rum-business under the same conditions? I say only this:
No, thank you. But it
does not alter the fact that I'm going to enjoy this bottle with
sheer honour and pride. It's a great rum to be enjoyed, and should
not gather dust on an collectors shelve. Nevertheless, there is
currently still a very good alternative available for this bottling.
This perhaps may not be
appropriate for every connoisseur out there, but I like rums somewhat
more fresh and stronger like this particular alternative. But of
course I speak only for myself. From what bottling speak / I write
here? That will be become obvious next weekend. Stay tuned lads and
lasses and have a nice Sunday!
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